Thursday, January 15, 2009

Babies Everywhere!

Yesterday a collegue of mine brought his 10 day old son in to show him off (this is the norm at our work, once you have a baby you bring it in to get passed around to about 20 diff people). He was gorgeous and soo small! I did ok, I held him for about 15mins and fussed over him while his daddy went of to get some lunch. That afternoon another collegue of mine came out to chat when she had to run off to the bathroom, she came back saying how sick she had been...I jokingly asked 'you sure your not pregnant'? She looked at me for a minute and said actually I am (apparently no one at our work knows and wants to keep it that way as she has had early misscarriages, she is 8wks). I was genuienly happy for her, I hugged her and congratulated her...I was excited. Then it suddenly hit me and I struggled to hold back tears, I think she sensed this and hugged me again. I felt a stab of jelousy and now feel guilty about it. She is off work again today and is having a really rough time, I pray that all goes well for her. It's just that every where I turn theres pregnant women or newborn babies. I have worked in my current position for 10 months and in that short amount of time there have been 6 pregnancys, 4 have already been born, 1 is due in 2 weeks and now Kirst has just confimed that she is pregnant. When will it be my turn?

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